Kubota | Australiaau
/ PS2086

Primary Seeders PS20 Series

Primary Seeders PS20 Series previewPrimary Seeders PS20 Series
The Primary Seeder is an ideal tool for landscapers and contractors. The bi-directional seed cups allow the seed to travel forwards or backwards. The dual skid hitch and 3-point hitch make this a great tool for rental yards.

Model Comparison

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  • 2.06 m
  • 2.41 m

Product Features

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Transport lights

Optional transport lights can be added on both sides of the PS20 Primary Seeder to improve visibility during the darker hours.

Transport lights

Optional transport lights can be added on both sides of the PS20 Primary Seeder to improve visibility during the darker hours.


Download Brochure
Name PS2072 PS2086
Min. Horsepower 25 hp 25 hp
Max. Horsepower 60 hp 60 hp
3-Point Tractor Hitch (Quick Hitch Adaptable) Cat I Cat I